Thursday, July 9, 2009
"2 Cents Extra..."
Now let me clear something up right now. Lots of people think that when someone has no job and they’re making good money doing something else then that person must be dealing drugs. Let me tell you folks, just because a person doesn’t work a regular job but makes good money and you don’t know what they do for a living doesn’t always mean that they sell drugs. What a lot of people fail to realize is that there are so many ways to make money anywhere in the world. You just have to be creative and use your mind. Of course whatever it is you’re doing you have to at least learn how to do it somehow whether you take courses, pay for some type of package training, or just become a protégé of a business guru who can teach you everything they know about a certain business venture. Some people are just that gifted with words and know how to sell a product to almost anyone. Other people may need specific training to do so. The thing that the two have in common is that they’re both “Go Getters”. They don’t just sit in front of the TV at home all day long learning nothing about making money. Lots of people don’t have that “drive” to go out and pursue any kind of money making venture. Most people have a fear of failing and losing everything they’ve put into the venture. These types of people will always have to work a regular job and hope to retire from it. There’s nothing wrong with doing that if you’re that type of individual then more power to you. I respect that to the fullest. Just remember that when you’re on the outside looking in, you don’t really know what it’s like to be an entrepreneur so if I were you I wouldn’t be so quick to doubt that a person pursuing a money making venture will never make it happen. You have a different mindset when it comes to work and earning money so you have to understand you’re not going to view money making ventures the same as an individual with an entrepreneur mindset. Just think about most of the multi-millionaires and billionaires in the world. When most of them started their business venture lots of people probably told them how crazy they were and how what they were pursuing would never work. Look at them now… extremely wealthy and can do whatever they want, whenever they want, where ever they want and however they want to do it all because they believed in themselves and their business plan which provided them with the means to do so. They don’t ever have to wake up early every morning to punch a clock and be on someone else’s schedule. They don’t have to schedule their life or vacation around someone else’s time. They are not controlled by anyone and no one controls how much money they can make per year. Bottom line, they’re not working to make someone else richer. Instead, they’ve worked to make themselves rich. These people are on a level of what’s called “financial independence”. They never have to worry about getting laid off from their jobs and losing their homes due to foreclosure. They’re able to make as much money as they want to make at any given time anywhere in the world. They’re able to give huge donations and contributions to churches and great charities to help other people here in the US and around the world. They can really make a difference in peoples lives if they really want to. They’re highly respected and admired by almost everyone. I’m not saying that everyone who’s earning a living as an entrepreneur is going to become a millionaire or billionaire someday. I’m just saying they have a much better chance of seeing that type of success than they would just working a regular job. Working a regular job can be rewarding if you actually have a good paying career but the likeliness of you becoming very wealthy from it is not the same as being a business mogul. Let me differentiate something right quick though. In my opinion a job and a career are two different things. Let me explain… A job is a way of earning income on an hourly wage, being granted short routine scheduled breaks and lunch times and only staying “Just Over Broke”. A career is a job you work after you’ve completed specific courses of study and achieved a degree of some sort that prepares you for the specific field of work you’re hired into. Most career people work on a yearly salary plus bonus and incentives and never have to punch a clock or abide by strict scheduled short breaks and lunches. Most career people do not have a set schedule of hours to be at their place of work either. They may also leave their office at any given time to handle company business and in some cases, personal business. Some may even work from home. At a job, you’re basically stuck that place of business until your scheduled shift is over. Some jobs don’t even have break times (which are 15 minutes most of time); they only have lunch times which range from 30 minutes to an hour. Most people work a job that doesn’t require any form of higher education and the pay isn’t really competitive. The pay is just enough to cover monthly expenses and maybe have a small amount left over for other things. With most full-time jobs, you only work a limited set of hours per week which is normally 40 hours. You are only capable of earning a limited amount of income per year and that’s broken down into weekly or bi-weekly pay periods so therefore you’ll have to budget your income to pay your bills on time and pay for necessities such as groceries, gas, clothing, etc. Most people who work regular jobs only have a small amount of money left over after paying monthly expenses so they have to budget that small amount of money for the things they would like to do for fun or leisure. Most of the time people with regular jobs have to save up portions of that small amount of left over money to be able to buy expensive things such as cars, furniture, appliances or fund planned vacations and family events. The time needed for those planned vacations and family events may most likely need to be pre-scheduled and approved by that person’s boss at their job. As you see and the majority of you already know, life is not a beach for most people with regular jobs. You can still have fun and live a happy life with a regular job but it won’t be as easy to live your life to the fullest like the big time money makers who run big businesses and possess major investments. The choice is yours whether you’re willing to settle and live an average lifestyle or get more and live an extraordinary lifestyle. For some people, to them there is no option. They all have families to take care of so they believe they have no choice but to work a regular job that can pay enough to cover their living expenses. In today’s economy so many people are struggling because there is a major job shortage now. Lots of people have lost jobs and careers and I believe this has caused a lot more people to build up a new found “drive” within themselves and pursue some type of money making venture of their own. Some of them have even become far successful then they could have ever imagined when they were stuck working at their old job. Seeing and hearing about this type of success really excites me because I like to see people becoming very successful and being able to really enjoy their lives. I think when our economy has overcome the recession it’s in now, there is going to be an amazing amount of new baby boomers. For all you folks who’ve doubted the person you know pursuing a money making venture now, don’t be surprised if you see or hear about them living a life of luxury in the future. Always remember, you can do whatever you put your mind to as long as you keep God first.

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